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The Rays of Preservation: Irradiation Uncovered

Patricia Bourba Korneh

Updated: Nov 8, 2024

Imagine all kinds of evil bacteria and viruses having a field day on your food products and causing all sorts of destruction. Then out of nowhere comes your saviour in the form of radiation beams, just zapping all the evil bacteria and viruses and saving your food. In your mind however, you are thinking- Oh my! Radiation beams? Those are dangerous.

Worry not, for they are perfectly safe and have undergone testing and approval by food safety organizations. Come along as we dive deeper and answer all your concerns on the use of radiation beams on your food products.

Irradiation as a food preservation technique.

In order to preserve food, it is typically necessary to stop bacteria, fungi (like yeasts), and other microorganisms from growing and to delay the oxidation of fats that lead to rancidity. Processes that prevent visual deterioration can also be included in food preservation. One technological tool that can be used to improve food quality and safety is food irradiation.

Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to a precisely calibrated quantity of energy in the form of fast-moving particles or radiation (Farkas,2007). It is used as a preservation technique because it has the ability to de-infest spices, increase the shelf life of your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables, and inhibit the sprouting of tubers and bulbs like potatoes and onions.

Foods like fresh vegetables and raw meat are irradiated with gamma, electron, and x-ray radiation to stop foodborne illnesses from spreading to customers worldwide. Because ionizing radiation is used to destroy bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses, this kind of food irradiation is frequently referred to as cold pasteurization. Food that has been exposed to radiation inactivates bacteria by randomly rupturing proteins, nucleic acids, and important enzymes (Farkas, 2007). Three forms of ionizing radiation have the potential to be used in food irradiation: X-rays produced by machine sources running at or below 5 MeV, electrons produced by machine sources running at or below 10 MeV (also referred to as E-Beam) and gamma rays from Cesium 137 (137Cs) or Cobalt 60 (60Co) (U.S EPA, 2006 and Farkas, 2007).

There are three types of radiation done on food products and each performs a different purpose. The types are radurization, radappertization, radicidation.

Radurization involves irradiation applied to obtain a substantial reduction in the number of spoilage organisms thereby extending the shelf life of food. Radappertization refers to irradiation applied to pre-packaged, enzyme inactivated foods to reduce the number or activity of microorganisms. Radicidation involves irradiation applied to reduce a considerable of non- spore forming pathogenic microorganisms other than viruses or parasites.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC/RCP-19-1979, Rev. 1-1983) has established a Recommended International code of practice for the operation of irradiation facilities used for the treatment of foods. According to this code, all foods that have been exposed to radiation, foods that contain radiation, or processed foods made from radiation that are intended for import, export, distribution, manufacturing, storage, or sale must have the Food Irradiation logo labeled on the package. The RADURA symbol is the name given to this logo.

Food irradiation reduces foodborne illnesses caused by pathogens such as Salmonella and Listeria. By eliminating these microorganisms, the safety of food is improved, and the risk of foodborne illnesses is reduced. Furthermore, irradiation can extend the shelf life of perishable foods, such as fruits and meat products, by slowing down the ripening process and preventing spoilage. This not only helps reduce food waste but also improves the availability of fresh produce in areas where transportation and storage conditions are challenging.

Now that we have some knowledge about what exactly food irradiation is, let us discuss some common myths that seem to follow food irradiation. The most common myth you are likely to hear about food irradiation is that food becomes radioactive when it is exposed to ionizing radiation. This myth is however refuted by the fact that food exposed to radiation at doses up to the regulated level of 10 kGy presents no toxicological risks, according to the joint FAO/IAEA/WHO study group. Another myth flying around is how irradiation causes loss of food nutrients. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this statement is not entirely true because nutrient loss during food irradiation is similar to whatever amount of nutrients lost during cooking, freezing and other food safety methods.

Factors affecting food irradiation.

Some factors come into play when it comes it food irradiation. Those factors are going to be explained in this section.

Temperature: The radiation resistance of microorganisms can be influenced by the temperature at which a food product is treated. Treatments with elevated temperatures in the sublethal range (≥ 45oC) for vegetative cells complement each other to increase the lethal effect of radiation. This improvement results from damage to the microbial repair systems, which typically function at room temperature or slightly above.

Freezing: The vegetative cells become more radiation resistant at freezing temperatures. Foods that are frozen typically have a microbial radiation resistance that is two or three times higher than food that is kept at room temperature. This is explained by the fact that the free radicals are immobilized and are unable to spread throughout the frozen medium. The DNA molecule cannot be indirectly damaged by OH- radicals when it is frozen.

Presence of oxygen: Effectiveness of food irradiated in the presence of oxygen is affected significantly. This is because the free radicals produced during the radiation process can react with the oxygen to form reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide which can cause oxidative damage to food components like proteins and lipids.


The goal of food irradiation is to prevent foodborne illness by reducing or eliminating the disease-carrying germs by the use of gamma rays, electron beams, or x-rays. Food type and the microbe contaminating it determine the effective radiation dosage. The food is not rendered radioactive by any of these radiation sources, but the amount of radiation used to irradiate food can affect the look, texture, flavor, and nutritional content if the regulated dosage is not used. It is therefore essential to adhere to established regulations and guidelines to ensure safety and quality of food.


  1. J. Farkas, "Irradiation for Better Food," Trends Food Sci. Tech. 17, 148 (2007).

  2. "Food Irradiation," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-F-06-046, April 2006.

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