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Cancer and Diet

Updated: 14 hours ago

Year-in, year-out the reports of cancer cases keeps increasing with the death toll rising. In 2023 the International Agency for Research on Cancer spent 45.5 million euros to support cancer patients and research across the world. Yet the cost left on the patients to bear is unbearable. Cancer comes in and changes the lives of patients completely. Cancer is the most feared and fearful disease of all that affect humanity. Numerous researches are being carried out to discover the root causes of cancer and to offer preventive measures to it.

What is cancer?

If you happen to be seeing this word for the first time, cancer is described as an uncontrolled proliferation/growth of cells. Normally, the body cells follow a life process of growth, functioning and death but some cells contrary to this process do not die but continue to multiply and form lumps of cells called tumors.  These tumors can be classified as either benign or malignant. Benign tumors are non-cancerous and usually do not spread to other cells of the body. They usually becomes problematic when they encroach nearby organs or tissues. Malignant tumor on the other hand spreads into surrounding cells and may entail metastasis (other tumors of the same type appearing far from the original site). This usually results in death. (Rim et al., 2022)

What causes cancer?

Cancer is triggered by carcinogens which are food, substances, or agents that promotes the growth and development of cancer. Carcinogens can be classified into three (3) main groups

  • Chemical carcinogens; responsible for majority of cancer cases. These carcinogens include tobacco smoke, chemical contaminants such as pesticides, food additives such as nitrites, a chemical that forms when cooking meats

  • Biological carcinogens; As the name suggests, these are living organisms such molds and viruses that produces mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins and zearalenone which have been found to be cancer causing compounds.

  • Physical carcinogens; comprising of radiations emitted by radioactive materials and ultraviolet radiations.

Food and Cancer

Food has been an important factor when it comes to the topic of cancer. Improper diets have been attributed to be responsible for 30% of major cancer cases recorded. The ironical system that we have found ourselves such that food which is supposed to bring life now takes our very lives. Recent research has ascertain that certain foods have been associated with causing cancer whilst other groups also helps in preventing cancer.


Foods that can cause cancer

These are foods mostly belong to the high fatty-high caloric foods with low fiber composition and little or no antioxidants. Some do not directly contain carcinogens but they lead to other health conditions which triggers cancer.(Kliemann et al., 2022)

Cured meats: Cured meats are meats that have been treated with salt, sugar, nitrates and spices. This process includes drying, smoking and fermentation. Meat products like sausage, cured ham and bacon are cured meats and can be carcinogenic due to the presence of nitrates in them. Nitrates when consumed are converted by the body into nitrosamine a compound that have been associated with high cancer risks.

Shell fish

Shell fishes consume carcinogenic materials present in the ocean. When they are consumed these carcinogens are introduced into the human blood stream leading to development of cancer

Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverage and wines regardless of their health requirements have been associated with increasing the risk of cancer. The more alcohol a person consumes, the greater their risk of developing cancer. Nevertheless, recent data indicates that "light" and "moderate" drinking—defined as less than 1.5 liters of wine, 3.5 liters of beer, or 450 milliliters of spirits weekly—accounts for half of all alcohol-related cancers in the WHO European Region (WHO, 2023). So the next time you go to the bar, think of your health.

Sugar and refined carbohydrates

Sugar is not directly a cancer causing agent. But sugar is a high caloric substances and over consumption can lead to obesity. Refined carbohydrates also increases the risk of cancer by promoting type 2 diabetes and obesity which are stepping stones to cancer. Refined carbohydrates includes foods such as; baked goods, white pasta, white bread, white rice and sugar sweetened beverages. Obesity has been associated with high risk of acquiring cancer. Sugar also facilitates the growth of cancerous cells since they require energy to grow and multiply which the sugar supplies.

Barbecued foods

Even though barbecued foods are a delight to feed on, over consumption of these foods put at a risk of acquiring cancer. This is due to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which is produced at high temperatures(Kliemann et al., 2022).  Also burnt foods like “kanzo” contain these chemicals which are highly carcinogenic. To prevent the formation of these compounds use low heats in cooking and avoid burning your foods.

Fried foods

Frying food at high temperatures leads to the formation of acrylamides another carcinogenic compound. This can also happen in baking, roasting and toasting.  Acrylamides damaged the DNA and induces apoptosis (cell death).  



These foods have been found to contain anti-carcinogens i.e substances that counteracts the activities of carcinogens and mitigate the growth and development of cancer. This includes antioxidants (substances that combat oxidative stress and eliminate free radicals. Examples Vitamin C, vitamin, selenium etc.), phytochemicals (naturally occurring chemicals that have protective effects examples flavonoids, curcumin and resveratrol), fiber, omega-3 fatty acids etc. Some foods contains these compounds in high amount and it is beneficial to consume these categories of foods.(Legesse Bedada et al., 2020)


Fruits such as citrus, pineapples, grapes, mango and all groups of berries are a great source of antioxidants such as vitamin C

Olive oil

Substituting other dietary fats with olive oil consumption reduces the risk of acquiring cancer such breast cancer.

Whole grain

Grains such as rice, millets, wheat contain phytates which acts as anti-carcinogens despite being an anti-nutrient. The fiber also accelerate bowel movement reducing colon cancer. The fiber also retains and remove carcinogens that may be in the digestive tract.


Vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals which are good anti-carcinogens. These vegetables protect us against cancer. Garlic, onions and other members of the lilaceae family contain flavonoids and sulfurated essences that protect against cancer. Other vegetables that are beneficial includes, red beets, carrots, tomato, egg plants, cabbage, broccoli etc.


Despite the fact that milk has been attributed to causing cancer (not enough data to back claim), its product yoghurt does the opposite. This is due to the presence of lactic acid producing microbes which provide anti-carcinogenic effects. Yoghurt particularly help in fighting breast cancer.


Legumes such as beans, soybeans, peas etc are also rich sources of fiber, phytic acid, phytates and phytochemicals such as genistein and daidzein. This gives them an immune protective effect in preventing prostate and breast cancer. Soy, beans,


Fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3 fatty acids decreases the risk of acquiring cancer by reducing inflammation.

Some Common types of cancer and their causative and preventive foods.

Breast cancer

  • Decrease: red meat, processed meats, fat, high fat cheese, alcoholic drinks, chocolate and pastries

  • Increase: fruits, vegetables, olive oil, garlic, yogurt, fiber, vitamin C, carrots

Lung cancer

  • Reduce: pork, wine and alcohols and moldy foods

  • Increase: vegetables and beta carotene

Brain cancer

  • Reduce: cured meats, processed pork, fried foods, and hamburgers

  • Increase: vitamin A and vitamin E

Prostate cancer

  • Reduce: red meats, milk, animal fat and calcium from foods or supplements

  • Increase: fruits, vegetables, legumes, garlic, citrus pectin, carotenoids, fructose

  • (Rinninella et al., 2020)







  4. Kliemann, N. et al. (2022) ‘Ultra-processed foods and cancer risk: from global food systems to individual exposures and mechanisms’, British Journal of Cancer, 127(1), pp. 14–20. Available at:

  5. Legesse Bedada, T. et al. (2020) ‘Probiotics for cancer alternative prevention and treatment’, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 129(June), p. 110409. Available at:

  6. Rim, C.H. et al. (2022) ‘Comparison of Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer in Uzbekistan and Korea: The First Report of The Uzbekistan–Korea Oncology Consortium’, Medicina (Lithuania), 58(10), pp. 1–14. Available at:

  7. Rinninella, E. et al. (2020) ‘The facts about food after cancer diagnosis: A systematic review of prospective cohort studies’, Nutrients, 12(8), pp. 1–31. Available at:

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